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Hay Day Cost Of Production Buildings Price List

Hay Day Cost Of Production Buildings Price List

Nov 11, 2016  HAY DAY GUIDE BOOK This is always a work in progress. For those of you who requested machine mastery production times and prices of products, here you go. I have added color to make it easier to read. (Guide: Machines, Levels, Cost, Products, Requirements). Thank you for any help. Ann Hay Day: Level 123 GC: r1verrat939 Farm name: Ann. 4.01 Buildings 1.02 Grain Costs Days on feed 4.02 Machinery & Equipment kg oats/day Hay & grain 4.03 Livestock Supplement 4.04 Pasture Land & Fencing TOTAL FIXED COSTS Feed Prices Hay ($/tonne) C. LABOUR COSTS Oats ($/tonne) Supplement ($/tonne) TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION Parasite control Vitamins Blackleg 1.03 Supplement Costs kg supplement/day.

. Spend your diamonds wisely - Supercell gives you 30 free diamonds when you start the game. During the tutorial, you are encouraged to use the rush feature, as it is free for your first couple of buildings. Once the rush feature starts costing diamonds, stop using it.

Hay Day Cost Of Production Buildings Price List

Never spend diamonds to speed up crops. Plan your crops, livestock, and finished products - Keep an eye on your truck requests board, and work toward goals. Identify the products you need, then grow the crops, manufacture the feed, feed your livestock, and then produce the specific products you need to fill requests to avoid overcrowding your silo and barn early on.

Cost Of Production Calculation

Expand your production facilities - Each production facility, like your feed mill and dairy, starts off with only two build slots. Spend gems to increase the queue space of the ones you use the most to keep your farm working when you aren't playing. Expand your silo and barn - Hold on to all of the building supplies you find at first, even if it's tempting to sell them for a huge coin windfall. The silo and barn both have limited capacities, and you will need a bunch of building supplies to increase them. This allows you to bank more crops and finished products and fill more orders.

Hay Day Cost Of Production Buildings Price List